Kindergarten Enrollment

Application for Kindergarten Students

Open for
Kindergarten tours are always welcome.
If you are considering enrolling your child in the middle of the school year due to a transfer or relocation, please feel free to call the kindergarten.

Contact us here
(weekdays 9:00-17:00)

Parents' Voices of Graduates

  • Even now that he is older, he remembers kindergarten and says, "There were all kinds of playground equipment and it was a lot of fun."
    I feel that the many happy memories he has stored up and the sense of accomplishment he experienced by taking the time to work on them have given him the strength to do things on his own without being discouraged.

  • I wonder if their experience of playing and fighting with their friends and teachers in kindergarten has helped them to interact well with their friends.

  • Thanks to running around on the large playground and playing in the mud with all his might, his physical strength has increased and he is still moving around with great energy. I am most grateful for his energy, and since he was able to develop his roots in kindergarten, I am able to watch over him with peace of mind.

Contact Us

If you would like to visit our kindergarten, we are always open to you.
If you are thinking of enrolling your child in the kindergarten in the middle of the school year due to relocation or moving, please feel free to contact the kindergarten by phone.

Contact us here
(weekdays 9:00-17:00)